Published webinars

Webinar 10 - NavFleet and Intelligent Charter Party Performance Monitoring

October 01, 2021 navfleet, performance, webinar
This webinar focus on NavFleet and how you can stay ahead of the game with the Charter Party Performance Monitoring.
In NavFleet you will have the tools to analyse your vessels voyages including detailed reports and recommendations.

In upcoming webinars, we will focus on other areas of the NavFleet platform and how it can solve some of the biggest challenges we face in our industry.

Webinar host - Richard A.D. Northover, Managing Director NAVTOR UK

Welcome by Børge Hetland, Chief Commercial Officer NAVTOR

Introduction to NavFleet - with Arild R Sæther, Chief Business Development Officer NavFleet

Intelligent Charter Party Performance Monitoring - by Jacob Clausen, Managing Director Denmark