Published webinars

Webinar #16 - NavStation 6.3 - What's new!

December 06, 2023
Webinar #16 -NavStation - New features and updates

Customer webinar about the latest news in NavStation, version 6.3.

This release features numerous updates and significant improvements, particularly in the Passage Planning Module.

Presenters for the webinar include Timo Essers, our e-Navigation Director; Vladimir Kolyada, Product Manager for NavStation; and our host Richard Northover, Managing Director of NAVTOR UK.


Highlights in NavStation 6.3:

  • New Passage Monitoring Dashboard
  • e-Publication Reader improvements
  • Manoeuvring Assistant update
  • Technology improvements

Updates in the Passage Plan Module:

  • Passage Plan updated to meet the latest industry compliance standards
  • More automation and auto-calculations 
  • Flexible print options - select pages to print
  • Improved Under Keel Clearance and Overhead Clearance calculations.
  • Improved document design
  • Allowance for revising and updating approved Passage Plan schemes.
  • Additional data utilised in the data layers (e.g., Tidal information, Time zones, ENC charts, Load lines, Ports database)



  • Introduction by Richard Northover, Managing Director UK
  • What's new in NavStation 6.3 by Vladimir Kolyada, NavStation Product Manager 
  • New Passage Plan Module, by Timo Essers, e-Navigation Director.